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School Booking

Fancy having an author day with a mental wellness focus?

  • 4 hours 30 minutes
  • 399 British pounds
  • Customer's Place

Service Description

Would your school like to meet one of our authors? Visits can be a fun way to introduce the children to a variety of written work, including poetry and can include a reading, planned activities, mental health awareness, writing activities, games and more! General Outline of the Day: Activity 1 - Welcome. Who am I? Closer look at the genre of sci-fi/fantasy (some images for context) Poem reading Reasons for writing a character that struggles with mental health issues after trauma Reading of a flashback Discussion about mental wellness (assembly activity: what do they know about mental illness? Do they know anyone who struggles with certain things? Do they know how to help themselves/friends/family? The monsters in the story are physical representations of the mental struggles Rey journey’s through. Act it out: dress up as a monster and act out a scene with Rey defeating it with her bow and arrow (plastic/foam arrows!) - get the children to play the roles as I read Activity 1 - Art activity Draw their own idea of what their monster would look like with labels and descriptions on the powers the monster has Activity 2 - Circle time Writing emotions through prose activity Write a short poem about the monster Activity 3 - Art and creative writing activity Create a character who is powerful enough to defeat the monster (can be a superhero type or themselves) Talk about what kind of words/powers would the hero have? Activity 4 - Painting rocks to create a positive rock garden/they can take the rock home One one side to write a word that is positive for them, on the other, the first name of a person who can help them feel that A condensed version of this is possible, as well as bespoke options that suit the school’s requirements and can be adapted to match the curriculum requirements and age where needed. Suitable for Primary and Secondary aged pupils.

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